- 原来他在绝望中,气急败坏地向各杂志乱投递时,把它寄给了旧金山的社交周刊《波涛》。
- In despair , casting about frantically among the magazines , he had sent it to the billow , a society weekly in san francisco .
- 1872年,在他的同事麦格雷戈去世后,卡里克绝望了。
- In 1872 his colleague macgregor died , leaving carrick in despair .
- 以利亚在对以色列的局势感到绝望时,跑到了沙漠中,回到西奈山去寻找给予摩西启示的上帝。
- Elijah , in despair over the situation in israel , runs to the desert , back to mt. sinai to find the god of the revelation to moses .