- 美国公共交通工人皆不能罢工。
- American public-transport workers generally cannot strike .
- 这是本年度在卡布尔发生的第二起大规模袭击。
- This was the second big strike in kabul this year .
- 这是第二次这样的攻击在过去的3天。
- This was the second such strike in the past three days .
- 我是个男的,绞尽脑汁写这些东西,我真**的累!
- I am male , cudgel one 's brains for writes these things , I am true of * * tired !
- 有一次,一个学生在苦思冥想中偷偷摸出一支烟点燃,正好给他看见了。
- Once , a student feels a smoke to ignite secretly in cudgel one 's brains , as it happens saw to him .
- 1986年参加江苏省武术比赛棍术冠军。
- Jiangsu province in 1986 , participated in martial arts competitions cudgel title .