- 那幅挂毯,便是献予这个政、教、党一体联盟的贡品,一家教会在其牧师的吩咐下编织了它。
- The tapestry , a tribute to the union of church , state and party , was woven by a church congregation at the behest of their priest .
- 当用最柔滑的棉纤维织成后,它们也许甚至能够首先防止压力溃疡的形成。
- When woven from the smoothest of cotton fibers , they might even prevent pressure sores from forming in the first place .
- 李书福公司总部宽敞的接待室里面铺着一块地毯,上面编织了一首他自己写的诗。
- The vast reception room of his headquarters features a carpet woven with a poem he wrote himself .
- 他们时常会一起小酌琥珀杯中的美酒,都会懒洋洋地躺在躺椅上,看着标致的士女在柳树下编织,赏着飞落的桃花。
- He would sup wine with him from amber cups , loll on chaises longues , watch pretty maidens weaving silk under the willow trees and the peach blossoms falling .
- 政府从编织各种社会安全网开始,以对经济大块大块的国有化结束。
- Governments started off by weaving social safety nets and ended up by nationalising huge chunks of the economy .
- 当它们落下以后,这些设备就开始相互通信、自行编织成一个密集的数字网络。
- As soon as they settle the devices start communicating with each other , weaving themselves into a dense digital mesh .
- 乙:那如果每个人都同样特殊呢?
- Tat : what if everyone is seen as equally special ?
- 答:我只看感兴趣的那部分。
- Tat : I read only the parts that interest me .
- 答:因为我怕自己会忘了把它带回上班的地方来。
- Tat : because I was afraid I would forget to bring it back to work .