- 对这样的位置,常用护墩柱和防护构件来保护桥墩,以减少桥下船只通行的危险。
- For such locations , dolphins and fender systems are commonly used to protect t he pier and to minimize the hazards of passage under the bridge for the vessels using the waterway .
- 不同预备程序对基牙表面粗糙度的影响。
- Effects of different preparation procedures on abutment surface roughness .
- 有角度支柱体对立即受力上颚前牙单颗植体在不同骨质中的影响:三维有限元素分析。
- Influence of abutment angulation in different bone types of immediately loaded implants : a 3-d finite element analysis .
- 方法:应用三维应变花技术对不同倾斜角度基牙进行固定修复后,对其牙周组织受力进行分析。
- Methods : the stress distribution in periodontal tissue was analyzed after thetilted abutment received fixed prosthesis using three-dimensional strain rosette .
- 据卡尔加里大学的商学教授皮尔斯斯蒂尔说,从1978年到2002年25年间,承认有拖延恶习的人翻了两番。
- According to piers steel , a business professor at the university of calgary , the percentage of people who admitted to difficulties with procrastination quadrupled between 1978 and 2002 .
- 上周晚些时候,柯克卡梅隆出现在臭名昭著的访谈节目“皮尔斯摩根之夜”,在这期间,他谈论了自己的感情,对同性恋和婚姻平等的看法。
- Late last week kirk cameron gave a now infamous interview on " piers morgan tonight " during which he discussed his feelings about homosexuality and marriage equality .
- 评委皮尔斯?摩根称,这是“我见过的‘英国达人’史上最棒的演出,你应该胜出,我喜欢你的演唱。”
- Judge piers morgan said it was the " greatest performance I 've seen on the history of britain 's got talent -- you should win the competition , I loved it . "