- 这样的档案很受欢迎。
- Archives like this are popular .
- 这些档案为今天提供了很多教训。
- Those archives hold important lessons for today .
- 目前档案馆已禁止了劳莱使用该馆的设施。
- The archives has banned lowry from its facilities .
- 下一步是整理纸张和文件。
- The next step is to exert control over your papers and files .
- 用途:发送文件
- What it 's for : sending files
- 此外,这类电脑档案似乎在当今经常消失。
- Besides , such files seem to disappear with regularity nowadays .
- 利润率也创了纪录。
- Margins also hit a record .
- 它的记录可以称得上完美。
- Its record here is excellent .
- 很可惜他们没有创造纪录。
- Sadly this wasn 't a record .
- 我同意说开始一段恋情并不要求你向对方提供一份完整的个人档案又或是某人dna的口腔样本。
- A. I agree that beginning a relationship does not require presenting your new love interest a due-diligence dossier nor a cheek swab of one 's dna .
- 罗德里格斯正在准备将一份相关案卷移交给津巴布韦总理摩根茨万吉拉伊(morgantsvangirai),寄望该国的统一政府将采取更为严厉的措施。
- Rodrigues is preparing to hand a dossier to the prime minister , morgan tsvangirai , in the hope that the country 's unity government will take tougher action .
- 总统私下发了几句牢骚后,巴迪纽要开始寻找一些有利于阿桑奇申请庇护的法律档案。
- After a private presidential tongue lashing , mr pati o was set to work to provide the legal dossier in favour of mr assange 's appeal .