- 下一步是整理纸张和文件。
- The next step is to exert control over your papers and files .
- 用途:发送文件
- What it 's for : sending files
- 此外,这类电脑档案似乎在当今经常消失。
- Besides , such files seem to disappear with regularity nowadays .
- 这样的档案很受欢迎。
- Archives like this are popular .
- 这些档案为今天提供了很多教训。
- Those archives hold important lessons for today .
- 目前档案馆已禁止了劳莱使用该馆的设施。
- The archives has banned lowry from its facilities .
- 我们从七年级开始就没分开过。
- We 'd been inseparable since seventh grade .
- 莫娜那时在上七年级。
- Mona was in seventh grade .
- 鉴于第一年如此糟糕的表现,学校让拉杰什留了一级。
- The school moved rajesh down a grade after his disastrous first year .
- 完整档案达4800页之多。
- The full file is 4800 pages long .
- 伊朗还表示有关核技术的档案已经封存。
- It says its nuclear file is now closed .
- 选择你的道歉图片文件。
- Choose your apology image file .
- 我该如何阻止他们?
- How do I stop them ?
- 你得停止这样做!
- You have to stop this !
- 现在谁能阻止金正日?
- Who can stop him now ?