- 英国人在迪耶普战役的惨败中萌发了桑树港这个想法,它是一个巨型人工港口,在英国事先建造好,然后横渡英吉利海峡拖到登陆区域附近组装。
- Mulberry , a british inspiration born out of the dieppe debacle , was a massive artificial harbor , prefabricated in england and towed across the english channel for assembly off the invasion beaches .
- 现在当地种植了新的桑树,也引进了蚕和织机。
- New mulberry trees wereplanted , silkworms and looms brought in .
- 6月19日的一场恶劣风暴摧毁了美国人的港口,但桑树港二号则一直使用了八个多月。
- A heavy storm destroyed the american harbor on june 19 but mulberry b remained in use for eight months .