- 欧洲和小亚细亚一带具有短小剑状根茎和亮绿的似欧芹复叶的一种丛生蕨类。
- Fern of europe and asia minor having short slender rhizome and densely tufted bright green parsleylike fronds .
- 方法:用葛根黄芩黄连汤加减以解表清里、标本兼治的方法治疗12例。
- Method : adds and subtracts the method which with the kudzu root huang qin chinese goldthread rhizome soup by xie biaoqing , treats the symptoms and the causes to treat 12 examples .
- 结论:葛根黄芩黄连汤加减治疗胃肠型特发性荨麻疹确实有效,值得推广。
- Conclusion : the kudzu root huang qin chinese goldthread rhizome soup addition and subtraction treatment stomach and intestines send the nettle rash to be truly effective especially , are worth promoting .
- 苏格兰并入英国时,当地居民的日常口粮是一种来自南美的植物块茎,也就是我们今天所熟知的马铃薯。
- By the time they were absorbed into britain , their daily bread , so to speak , was a south american tuber now familiar as the domestic potato .
- 这年,我们用紫色块茎中的芋头,南瓜豆腐泡。
- This year , we used the purplish tuber in taro and pumpkin tofu puffs .
- 通过捣碎、油炸、清煮和烘烤,小小的马铃薯改变了这个世界,每个自由贸易的全球化者都应该赞美它。
- Mashed , fried , boiled and roast , a humble tuber changed the world , and free-trading globalisers everywhere should celebrate it .
- 近球形的小瘤薄的根茎一同连结的茎生于;茎生叶互生。
- Stem arising from subglobose tubercles connected together by thin rootstock ; cauline leaves alternate .
- 在嫁接繁殖过程中,果树砧木对地上部的影响是多方面的。
- In the course of graft , there are many aspects effects of rootstock to the aerial part .
- 被嫁接的植物体被称为砧木。
- The plant that accepts the graft is called the rootstock .
- 许多攀援蕨类具有较长的蔓延根状茎。
- Many climbing ferns have long creeping rhizomes .
- 简单甘草(扩大干基)或匍匐根茎可以赞成.
- A simple caudex enlarged stem base or creeping rhizomes can be present .
- 通过匍匐根茎迅速蔓生的欧洲草;北美引种为野草。
- European grass spreading rapidly by creeping rhizomes ; naturalized in north america as a weed .