- 随着森林砍伐而来的还有对本地群体的伤害,例如对其骚扰和非法驱逐。
- The deforestation has been accompanied by abuses against indigenous groups , including harassment and illegal evictions .
- 根据研究小组本周发布在国家科学院院刊网站的在线报告,夏威夷土地和自然资源部原本为保护本地的森林资源建立的保护区已经被草莓番石榴迅速蚕食。
- The tree has rapidly encroached into the protected areas established by hawaii 's department of land and natural resources to preserve indigenous forests , the team reports online this week in theproceedings of the national academy of sciences .
- 城市仍然还有一些空地,如果城市运输和水的供应有所改进的话,可以进行艺术性的规划,种植本地的树木与草坪。
- The city still has some open spaces that could be artfully filled in if public transport and the water supply were improved , along with the planting of indigenous trees and grasses .