- 无根萍以自己微小而带花的个体,给植物世界创造了“最小的有花植物”记录。
- The duckweed that do not have a root with oneself tiny and those who take a flower is individual , created to plant world " the smallest plant having a flower " record .
- 拔节期喷施铁肥提高了小麦根系的铁含量、累积量及根系铁占植株总铁累积量的比例。
- Root iron content , iron accumulation in root and its ratio to iron accumulation in whole plant also increased for foliar application at jointing stage .
- 食根动物是植物的主要危害者,植物与食根动物之间的相互作用一直备受关注。
- Root herbivore is of the main one that harms plant . The interrelations between root herbivore and plant have attracted extensive attention from scientists .