- 这称不上是民主的光辉模范。
- It was hardly a shining model of democracy .
- 因此他们调整了模型。
- So they tweaked the model .
- 成为一个好的榜样。
- Be a good role model .
- 模版名已存在,请重新输入
- The name of templet is already exists , please input again !
- 提升计量管理水平,没有现成的模式和样板可以借鉴.
- For upgrading the standard of measure management , no ready-made mode and templet are used for reference .
- 上图,2010年12月27日,坎大哈省扎日区,美军中士马修在执行肃清巡逻任务时,和他的嗅弹犬正在哈吉加法尔村一所被废弃的房子寻找爆炸物。
- Above , u.s. sergeant matthew templet and his bomb-sniffing dog basco search for the explosives in an abandoned house in haji ghaffar village during a clearance patrol in zari district of kandahar province on dec. 27 , 2010 .
- 树立好的榜样。
- Set a good example .
- 迄今为止仅此一例。
- Yet it is the lone example .
- 简单地以传染病为例。
- Take a simple example like infectious disease .