- 它们改变自己的身体形状,形成不规则的边缘,近乎天衣无缝地和树皮融合在一起。
- Modified scales form an irregular edge to the body that blends in nearly seamlessly with the bark .
- 低声调的吠叫意味着狗狗挑衅,可能也是一种威胁。
- A low pitched bark indicates aggression and is possibly a threat .
- 任何可能令它们不那么讨厌的声音或吠叫都被一段恐怖而静默的潜泳取而代之。
- Any sound or bark that might endear them is replaced by an eerie , silent swim .
- 奶酪螨虫被有意引入美莫勒,它们钻进奶酪的外皮,贪婪地啃着(这点与你我无异!)
- Cheese mites are introduced intentionally to mimolette , where they burrow into the rind of the cheese , gorging on it ( not so different from you or I ! )
- 用一束用百里香和欧芹捆绑而成的香草,一片月挂树叶和一片意大利干酪外皮制成一个香料包;
- A bouquet garni made with a few sprigs each thyme and parsley , and a bay leaf and a parmesan rind
- 黎恩和林德的这项研究还阐明了1998年全球极端平均气温的原因。
- Lean and rind 's research also sheds light on the extreme average temperature in 1998 .
- 香椿景气4演播室设法弥补这一缺失功能与羽工具。
- Toon boom studio 4 sought to bridge this missing feature with a feathering tool .
- 那些小鸟正在长羽毛。
- The nestlings are feathering out .
- 这有助增加笔刷的羽化效果。
- This can help to increase the feathering effect of the brush .