- 仓库总面积有10800平方米。
- The warehouse 's total area is 10800 m2 .
- 她仔细地监控仓库,以防止问题出现。
- She carefully monitored the warehouse for problems .
- 新仓库毫无疑问是葡萄酒协会的一个成功故事。
- The new warehouse is undoubtedly a success story for the wine society .
- 罗杰斯说,要保护整个物种不受气候或外来病害引起的大毁灭,这样的遗传基因库需要在整个州的几百棵树上取材料才行。
- Rogers said a genetic storehouse that could protect the entire species from an unforeseen cataclysm caused by climate change or an imported disease would require samples from hundreds of trees across the state .
- 但这也可能造就了一个主要的碳仓库。
- But it may also have created a major storehouse for carbon .
- 一天到仓库去,想领一块新油布。
- Once I went to the storehouse to get a piece of new oilcloth .
- 真是这个小屋在福岛县爆炸了。
- It 's the shed that exploded today at fukushima .
- 伦敦交通局里面没有人会掉眼泪。
- Few at tfl will shed any tears .
- 过了一段时间,姑妈注意到康拉丁总是去小屋。
- After a time the aunt noticed conradin 's visits to the shed .
- 展示我的蓝色的钢笔.
- Show me a blue pen .
- 你可以用你的钢笔吗?
- May I have your pen ?
- 使用s笔进行简单的书写和画图都很容易。
- Using the s pen for simple handwriting or sketching was easy .
- 除了标准照片文件中包括的大量信息之外,一项新技术的运用甚至可以找到照片拍摄地点的详细信息。
- Beyond the stacks of info contained within standard picture files , a new breed of applications can pile on even more detailed signals about where a photo was taken .
- 有时,读者会感觉到图书馆书架在向他们逼近,但是一些有启发性的文章指出了变迁的文化是如何导致简奥斯汀和她的著作被重新解读的。
- At times the reader may feel that the library stacks are closing in , but there are some revealing passages that show how changing culture invites reinterpretation of jane austen and her works .
- 但是也有一些我不喜欢的事情,比如取消了科学图书馆,并试图将两百万图书从主图书馆的书架移到新泽西的外借场所。
- There are also several things to dislike such as the demise of the science library and the intention to move 2 million books from the main library stacks to an off-site facility in new jersey .
- 在需求为价格与库存量相依与后进先出政策下易损坏商品的协调定价与最佳库存水准。
- Coordinated pricing and order-up-to level for a perishable item with price and stock-dependent demand under lifo policy .
- 蔡李佛功夫系列-阴阳刀剑。
- Cai lifo kungfu series -- yin-yang broadsword vs sword .
- 建立库存集会和跟踪客户回单;平均,后进先出法和先进先出的成本核算方法。
- Build inventory assemblies and track customer back orders ; average , lifo and fifo inventory costing methods .