- 打标签,并让它众人可见。
- Tag it and make it publicly accessible online .
- content标记里的所有元素都被匿名的添加到滚动条里。
- The elements within the content tag are added to the scroll bar anonymously .
- 过去的做法是给每个新来的文档加上标签。
- Past practice was to tag every new document as it arrived .
- 乞力马扎罗山峰冰雪消融的标志是在20世纪50年代早期开展的原子能测试产生辐射尘的放射性特征。
- One marker of ice loss on kilimanjaro was the radioactive signature of fall-out from atomic tests carried out in the early 1950s .
- 后来,一个饰有弗里丹雕像的大标识一年前立在了当地村政厅附近。
- Instead , a large marker with the sculpture was erected near the village hall a year ago .
- 一些部门看上去并不介意这些干扰,因为这是表明他们大楼具有战略重要性的外部标识。
- Some agencies don 't seem to mind this intrusion , as it 's an external marker of their building 's strategic importance .
- 艾莫斯花费大量时间调整标记位置。
- Imus spent eons tweaking label positions .
- 布什自己避开了这个标签。
- Mr bush himself shuns the label .
- 没有时间去看每一条标签?
- No time to read every label ?
- 根据传统,由贝琪罗斯女士缝制第一面旗帜。
- According to tradition , betsy ross sewed the first flag .
- 示威者们还在国会大厦的草坪上举起了巨大的彩虹旗。
- Demonstrators carried a rainbow flag on the lawn of the capitol .
- 那黑色长发像一面死亡之旗顺在我的身边。
- The long black hair lay beside me like a flag of death .