- 获豁免徵税的入息款额,通常是按逗留时间分摊,并以在香港以外地方逗留的日数作为计算基准。
- The amount of income exempted is generally computed by time-basis apportionment by reference to the number of days spent outside hong kong .
- 同时,这1人物形象所表现出来的价值、意义对我们今天发展商品经济有着积极的借鉴意义。
- At the same time , the value and the significance shown in this image have positive reference meaning for us to develop comicality economy .
- 借款人亦向贷款人声明、保证和承诺,就不时存在的事实和情况而言,上述声明和保证在本契约的整个有效期内均是真实和准确的。
- The borrower also represents and warrants to and undertakes with the lender that the foregoing representations and warranties will be true and accurate throughout the continuance of this deed with reference to the facts and circumstances subsisting from time to time .