- 白又方,嫩又喷鼻,能做菜,能煮汤,豆子是它爹和妈,它和爹妈纷歧样。
- White and square , tender and flavorful , can cook , can soup , beans is its father and mother , it not the same father and mother ---- tofu .
- 白又方,嫩又喷鼻,能做菜,能煮汤,豆子是它爹以及妈,它以及爹妈不同样。
- Whellote and square , tender and flavorful , can cook , can soup , beans is its father and mother , it not the same father and mother ---- tofu .
- 功效:抑制皮肤油脂分泌,平衡皮脂腺及毛囊孔的角质化亢进,促进肌肤细胞再生,消除粉刺,痤疮、暗疮,芦荟提取精华液中的氨基酸、胶原蛋白成分对肌肤有营养修复作用,令皮肤光滑嫩白。
- Efficiency : inhibit oil secretion , balance sebum gland and hair follicle keratinization , promote cells regeneration , remove acne , nourish and repair skin with amino acid and collagen extracted from aloe , and make skin smooth , tender and white .