- 村上春树是一个温柔的、描画负空间的画家。
- Murakami is a tender painter of negative spaces .
- 然而,政府在挑选合作伙伴时没有采用投标竞争机制,导致贿赂成风。
- However , the government never set up tender contests to pick its corporate partners , encouraging corruption .
- 但他们表示,在投标过程中,安全是中央政府关注的一个问题。
- But they said that safety had been an issue for the central government in the tender .
- 展览沿着非常微妙的路线展开。
- The exhibition walks a delicate line .
- 如今在佩奇掌舵之下,没有人知道如何或是否这一微妙的平衡能够维持下去。
- With page taking the helm , no one is sure how-or if-that delicate balance will be maintained .
- 而自20世纪90年代的市场总崩溃以来,长年的萧条和经济危机打乱了那种微妙的调整。
- But , since the crash of the early 1990s , years of recession and financial crisis have upset that delicate accommodation .