- 从了不起的歌曲“河人”(riverman)开始,它不满质疑的歌词在尼克优雅温柔的高音下显得很美,高超的原声吉他技巧使他游离于民谣和迷幻之间。
- Start with the phenomenal " river man , " whose weary , questioning lyrics lie beautifully on nick 's exquisitely soft tenor voice , and where his grasp of the acoustic guitar pitches him between folk and psychedelia .
- 玛丽莲梦露在电影里常常是性感热辣的金发女郎,她因金发、时装、温柔的嗓音和聒噪的品行闻名于世。
- Marilyn monroe was often times casted in movie roles as the hot and sexy blond . She became internationally known for her blond hair fashion soft voice and rowdy behavior .
- 谁的江山马蹄声狂乱我一身的戎装呼啸沧桑天微微亮你轻声的叹一夜惆怅如此委婉。
- Whose landscape hoofbeat alienation I does body military garb howl the vicissitudes day to shine you in a soft voice to sigh one night disconsolately slightly so tactful .