- 例如,把鸡肉放在柑桔汁和盐里腌制,它只会吸收少量的卤汁。
- For example , chicken marinating in citrus juice and salt will only absorb a tiny amount of the marinade .
- 在太空中的宇航员也经常用柑橘类水果来保持皮肤紧实。
- Even astronauts in space like to keep their skin taut with citrus fruits .
- 但是,许多饮食相对较健康的人可能无糖苏打或柑桔汁等强酸性的食物吃得太多了。
- Still , many people with a relatively healthy diet may be eating too many high-acid foods , like diet soda or citrus juice .
- 《华尔街日报》:你为什么用普通话而不用英文唱歌?
- Why did you sing in mandarin instead of english ?
- 许多用人单位也会核查应聘者是否会讲普通话。
- Many employers also check whether potential hires can speak mandarin .
- 英语和普通话是选择驻华高管的两个重要条件。
- English and mandarin are two important criteria for senior executives in china .