- 他那样的锁链定能使力量凝聚。
- Such chains as his were sure to bind .
- 日本地震扰乱了供应链。
- The japanese earthquake disturbed supply chains .
- 供应链的布局将因此改变。
- The geography of supply chains will change .
- 但是在一个经济专制的政治傀儡的手中,这一权力就为人们的自由戴上了枷锁。
- But in the hands of political puppets of an economic autocracy , such power would provide shackles for the liberties of the people .
- 但就在我们说这些话的时候,难道就没有受到这种束缚吗?
- But are we throwing off those shackles , even as we speak ?
- 你将会从那些无意义习惯的束缚中获得解放,这样你就可以过你喜欢的生活了。
- You 'll be freed of the shackles of meaningless customs , so that you can live as you want .
- 爱情对一切都视而不见并替心灵铸造了脚镣铁。
- To everything but interest blind and forges fetters for the mind .
- 没有人喜欢戴脚镣,即使它是黄金打造的。
- No man loves his fetters though made of gold .
- 不为政治束缚之国际贸易是必需的。
- World trade of political fetters is necessary .
- 对默多克束缚感到自由的英国政客们,也许会收紧监管力度并且致使通过媒体业务赚钱变得更加困难。
- British politicians , who feel liberated from the murdoch yoke , may tighten regulation and make it harder to make money from media businesses .
- 美联储深受财政部束缚,经过漫长的斗争,直到1951年才重获自由。
- The fed chafed under the yoke of the treasury , winning its freedom only after a long battle in 1951 .
- 纵观历史,受压迫者们已尝试过各种方式来挣脱压迫者强加的束缚,但是真正的革命譬如现正横扫阿拉伯世界的这些却实在稀少。
- Throughout history , downtrodden citizens have tried to throw off the yoke of their oppressors , but revolutions , like those sweeping through the arab world , are rare .