British politicians , who feel liberated from the murdoch yoke , may tighten regulation and make it harder to make money from media businesses .
The fed chafed under the yoke of the treasury , winning its freedom only after a long battle in 1951 .
Throughout history , downtrodden citizens have tried to throw off the yoke of their oppressors , but revolutions , like those sweeping through the arab world , are rare .
This vivid account of queen victoria 's marriage analyzes her suffering under what she called " the yoke " of matrimony .
Through pertracted and arduous struggle , the people of asean countries have also shaken off the yoke of colonialism , won national independence and scored commendable achievement in their course of nation building .
As the economist reports this week , many women in the richer parts of asia have gone on " marriage strike " , preferring the single life to the marital yoke . That is one reason why their fertility rates have fallen .
Mr lewis admitted he did not enjoy his new status of being a " ward of the state " and pledged to get out from under the government yoke " as soon as possible " .
Towns that threw off the colonel 's yoke want to keep a measure of independence from the new rulers .
Not everyone has taken kindly to this new authoritarian yoke .
Many women in the richer parts of asia have gone on " marriage strike " , preferring the single life to the marital yoke .