- 丝绸之路其实有数条支线,它们分别沿着环境恶劣、不适合人类居住的塔克拉玛干沙漠外缘,穿越不同的绿洲。
- Skirting the edges of the harsh and inhospitable taklimakan desert , the silk road actually had several different branches , each passing through different oases .
- 这个大家庭的足迹遍布整个加拿大,拥有收购不同公司的不同分支。
- The extended family has fanned out across canada , with different branches pursuing different businesses .
- 这个大家庭的足迹遍布整个加拿大,拥有收购不同公司的不同分支。
- The extended family has fanned out across canada , with different branches pursuing different businesses .