- 果真,他的新任安全顾问是个北方的穆斯林。
- Sure enough , his new security adviser is a northern muslim .
- 可以肯定的是,那天不久,布什总统发表了一些恰得其份的含糊评论,再次把水搅浑。
- Sure enough , later that day the president came out with some suitably ambiguous comments that muddied the waters again .
- 果真,《牛津英语词典》将mess一词的来源追溯至盎格鲁-诺曼语和之前的古法语。
- Sure enough the oxford english dictionary traces mess back to anglo-norman and old french before that .
- 我真没有选择的余地。
- I really had no choice .
- 我们真要这样说话吗?
- Are we really doing this ?
- 它实际上是针对德国的。
- It was really about germany .