- 当汽车被搜查时,尼姆在行李箱里被发现。
- When the car was searched , nem was found in the trunk .
- 墨西哥提华纳镇:警察开着一辆轿车的车尾行李箱发现里面有六具烧焦的尸体。
- Police hold open the trunk of a car where six burned bodies were found in tijuana , mexico .
- 我们正在纳闷这个箱子里是什么。
- We were just wondering about this trunk .
- 就像魔术师把什么东西用一口气吹走了一样。
- It 's like that magician thing of giving the gag away .
- 在相比之下,订单的gag重视的大陪审团传票已届满日期。
- In contrast , gag orders attached to grand jury subpoenas have expiration dates .
- 让我们把他塞住嘴巴。
- Let 's just gag him and handcuff him .
- 我眼睛里长了一颗麦粒肿。
- I have a sty in my eye .
- 猪圈贴1张卡2ne1。
- Sticker sty photo card 2ne1 1 .
- 麦粒肿俗称“偷针眼”,为睑腺局部发炎,引起眼睑有肿块及压痛。
- Sty common says " steal sty the eye of a needle " , the gland that it is eyelid is local inflammation , cause eyelid to have bump and tenderness .