- 报告中令人称奇的观点是,从外部加强静脉弯曲或有助于缓解神经衰弱的问题。
- The idea that surgically straightening crooked veins could somehow benefit a degenerative nerve problem was astounding .
- 你看,镜头本身其实无法捕捉你的愤怒表情,你弯曲的眉毛,你偷偷捏你的孩子的样子,摄影师总是让你们你说“cheese!”
- You see , being photogenic doesn 't capture your expressions of anger , your crooked eyebrows , the pinch you snuck your toddler right before the photographer advised you to say " cheese ! "
- 拉直、弯曲、摧毁静脉的手术被称为venoplasty,这与心绞痛等心脏病的治疗方法是几乎一致的。
- The operation to straighten out and puff up crooked and collapsed veins , called venoplasty , is almost identical to cardiac angioplasty-a common treatment for diseased coronary arteries .
- 当然他们也不是完全错误。
- They were not wholly wrong .
- 但是这种分析是错误的。
- But the analysis is wrong .
- 根本就没有错误的答案。
- There is no wrong answer .
- 我们想查出那个陌生人的姓名和职业,但是徒劳。
- We vainly tried to find out the stranger 's name and occupation .
- 我们设法想要弄清楚发生了什么事,但却徒劳。
- We tried vainly to discover what had happened .
- 我们徒劳地斗争着,为解决问题而拼搏。
- We struggle vainly , fighting to solve the problem .
- 他不应浪费这个契机。
- He should not waste it .
- 许多广告都是十足的浪费。
- Much advertising is utter waste .
- 这就是善用浪费的办法。
- This is how to embrace waste .