- 处在另外一个极端的是果阿邦和本地治里。
- On the other extreme were goa and puducherry .
- 有些想法甚至更极端。
- Some ideas are clearly extreme .
- 这是一个如此极端的事件,简直无法形容。
- The incident was so extreme , it almost defies description .
- 首先求取系统极端控制,进而给出时间反转系统的可达区域和系统的可控区域。
- At first , the extremal control of the system was got , then the reachable region of the time reversed system and the controllable region of the system were given .
- 我们将不断地得出关于整体极值的某些有用的结果。
- We shall subsequently obtain some interesting results on global extrema .
- 经济学家经常碰到的是求整体极值。
- Economists are usually interested in global extrema .
- 应用"极值剔除"和"逐步消空"法建立太原机场11月份辐射大雾预报指标集。
- Using " extrema elimination " and " gradually slake vacancy " establishing indices of radiation fog porecast of november in taiyuan airport .