- 炸弹使之猛烈地与一所幼儿园旁的一根电线杆相撞。
- The blast forced it to slam into an electricity pole beside a pre-school .
- 用另一种方式来说,在纬度为44度的地方,任何星星,只要低于天北极44度,都可以认为它是拱极星。
- Said in another way , at a latitude of 44 degrees any star will be circumpolar if it 's less than 44 degrees from the north celestial pole .
- 结构坍塌:一根断了的帐篷支撑杆可能会毁了你的年度家庭野营。
- Structural collapse : a broken tent pole is threatening to ruin your annual family camping trip .
- 处在另外一个极端的是果阿邦和本地治里。
- On the other extreme were goa and puducherry .
- 有些想法甚至更极端。
- Some ideas are clearly extreme .
- 这是一个如此极端的事件,简直无法形容。
- The incident was so extreme , it almost defies description .
- 对于小于30月龄的小牛感染疯牛病的风险被认为是非常小的。
- The risk of bse in cattle less than 30 months of age is considered to be exceedingly low .
- 烤鸡是一道非常熟悉的菜,很多人点是为了体验那份熟悉感。
- Roast chicken is an exceedingly familiar dish , and many people will order it to experience the familiar .
- 如此发明,虽然极其罕见,但就是它们让发展周期不断运转的。
- Such innovations are exceedingly rare , but they are what makes the cycle go .
- 没有办法去表现你的极限?
- Isn 't the idea to perform at your utmost ?
- 处理生活在“同一屋檐下的”民族之间的关系,需要极度小心。
- Relations between nations living " under one roof " need to be handled with the utmost sensitivity .
- 但是,如果发展的步伐停止下来,他们就会尽最大的努力去扭转或者掩盖它。
- But if the pace of development does stall , they will do their utmost to fight it or cover it up .
- 处在另外一个极端的是果阿邦和本地治里。
- On the other extreme were goa and puducherry .
- 有些想法甚至更极端。
- Some ideas are clearly extreme .
- 这是一个如此极端的事件,简直无法形容。
- The incident was so extreme , it almost defies description .
- 她非常明白自己面临的处境。
- She is only too aware of what she faces .
- 不过,我们太了解贝卢斯科尼了。
- We know mr berlusconi only too well however .
- 同赛珍珠一样,他们非常了解现实世界,这个世界上,杀害女婴、家庭奴隶和性奴役普遍存在。
- Like buck they were only too familiar with the realities of a world where female infanticide domestic slavery and sexual bondage were commonplace .