- 跳舞者随着音乐的强烈节奏而猛烈地旋转着。
- Gyrate the dancers gyrated wildly to the strong beat of the music .
- 不和谐的装饰音,极为普遍的是倚音,是与节拍同步的;它们应该是被强调音,它们给乐曲增加了香料,但它们被强调的程度,对于演奏者来说这是一个自行决定的主题。
- Dissonant grace notes , the most common of which are appoggiaturas , are played on the beat ; they should be emphasized , they add spice to music , but the degree to which they are emphasized is subject to the discretion of the performer .
- 舞蹈者按照乐曲的有力节拍迅速旋转。
- The dancers gyrated quickly to the strong beat of the music .