- 她盘子里剩下的还很多。
- She has a lot on her plate .
- 你刚才碰过我的盘子了吗?
- Did you touch my plate just now ?
- 漫画家马克贝尔接过这一难题,什么促使了板块构造?
- Cartoonist marc bell took on the stumper , what drives plate tectonics ?
- 你应该请求董事会将他辞退。
- Petition your board to dismiss him .
- 董事会是否了解其中细节?
- Did the board know the details ?
- 但针对创业板的恶意炒作也频频发生。
- But malicious speculation on the board has also occurred frequently .
- 新来的人很快就被杀死,只需小小的子弹射穿点板射进他们的后脑。
- The new arrivals soon joined the dead , a single bullet shot at point plank range through the back of their skulls .
- 我走进商号放下本金和木板,他们只会看着它却没人想接手。
- I 'd walk in and plank down my margin , but they 'd look at it without making a move to grab it .
- 在梅村,我过去睡在用四块砖头和一张薄木板和超薄的床垫上。
- In plum village , I used to sleep on a very thin mattress on a plank of wood on top of four bricks .
- 在严丝合缝的遮光板外,阳光令人眩目。
- The daylight is dazzling outside the emphatically closed window shutter .
- 采用“主动”技术的电视便宜一点,但是要求观看者佩戴一种类似百叶窗原理的眼镜。
- An ' active ' television will cost less , but will require special ' shutter ' glasses .
- 摄影提示:烟花摄影中要求较长的曝光时间意味着较慢的快门速度。
- Photo tip : the long exposures required for firework photography mean slow shutter speeds .