- 经济不景气十分严重,而通胀压力很可能会维持在较低水平。
- Slack in the economy is high and inflationary pressures are likely to stay low .
- 一些研究认为,在经济不景气的情况下,更多的宽带意味着更多的就业。
- Several studies conclude that , in slack economies , more broadband means more jobs .
- 但是即使这些预期得到很好的稳定,也不足以解释为什么通货膨胀没有对经济萧条做出更多反应。
- But even if they remain well anchored , expectations alone do not explain why inflation does not respond more to economic slack .
- 美国人历来喜欢较松的系统。
- Americans have traditionally preferred it loose .
- 我不相信麦尔斯还没有把身上的绳索拉松一些。
- I wonder if miles hasn 't pulled loose from his own tether .
- 它们缠绕在一起,就像松散的线球。
- They 're intertwined like balls of loose twine .
- 其次,不管欧洲央行的批判者说了什么,即使是利率调升后,按照以往的标准来看政策是不严格的。
- Second , even after this rate rise , policy is lax by past standards , despite what the ecb 's critics say .
- 哈佛大学的心理学家蒂莫西利瑞(timothyleary)就是该领域最为知名的人士之一,不过他也因为其非传统的研究方法和他对对药物不严格的处理而让这个药物声名狼藉,进而广受诟病。
- Timothy leary , a psychologist at harvard university , was one of the best-known workers in the field , but it was also he who was widely blamed for discrediting it , by his unconventional research methods and his lax handling of drugs .
- 造成密码安全松弛的一种解释是互联网幼稚青春期的文化残留----学术研究网络就不用担心黑客。
- One suggestion is that lax password security is a cultural remnant of the internet 's innocent youth-an academic research network has few reasons to worry about hackers .
- 他动作缓慢,皮肤「发灰且松弛」,且呼吸困难。
- He moved slowly , his skin was " grey and flabby " and he was breathing hard .
- 你家乡的朋友都说你变了,而你却始终坚信是嫉妒毒害了他们松弛温顺的头脑。
- Your friends from home tell you you 've changed and you 're convinced that envy 's poisoned their flabby , docile minds .
- 因此,他只能对软弱的中部(比如说,培训法官,或者安排获取程序)挥拳猛击,那里的伤也看不出来。
- It therefore throws punches at the flabby middle ( training judges , say , or fixing procurement procedures ) where the bruises do not show .