- 它打消了人们的主观能动性和雄心壮志——如果努力不是成功的源泉,那么何苦还要努力呢?
- Initiative and ambition shrivel : why try hard when effort isn 't the source of success ?
- 最好的公司知道,只有人力资本才是他们可持续竞争优势的唯一源泉。
- The best ones know that human capital is their only source of sustainable competitive advantage .
- “它是竞争优势的源泉。”
- It 's a source of competitive advantage . "
- 几乎所有的加蓬人都起源于班图人。
- Almost all gabonese are of bantu origin .
- 目前一位美国美术家加入了这场争论,她提出了自己认定其来源的理论。
- Now an american artist has entered the fray , putting forward her own theory about its origin .
- 当他擦亮旧钱币时,乔治有时会出现与硬币来源相关的奇怪的幻觉。
- When he polishes old coins , george sometimes experiences strange visions relating to the coin 's origin .
- 尽管债务问题传统上产生于私人部门,但公共部门不能说一点责任没有。
- Although debt problems traditionally originate in the private sector , the public sector cannot be held blameless .
- 克隆体是由同一个祖先不通过交配方式而产生的一群基因完全相同的个体(例如用一株植物的切片进行生殖)。
- A clone is a group of genetically identical individuals that originate from a single ancestor without the need of sex ( for instance cuttings from a plant ) .
- 研究表明,精神的经验起源于原始的人类大脑深层领域-通过与像我们自己的大脑结构的其他动物共享的领域。
- Research suggests that spiritual experiences originate deep within primitive areas of the human brain -- areas shared by other animals with brain structures like our own .
- 担忧可能源自救助计划给国家财政造成的潜在负担。
- Concern may stem from the potential fiscal burden of bail-outs .
- 总统这么做可能是出于自己的党也有可能牵涉其中的考虑。
- His reluctance may stem from the knowledge that his own party is also complicit .
- 他的主要失败之举多是源于执行不力。
- His chief failures stem from incompetent execution .