- 而其他演员大家可能来来去去,他的存在,甚至使一些较弱的故事可以原谅的。
- And while other cast members may come and go , his presence makes even some of the weaker storylines forgivable .
- 全球汇率体制的周期往往很长,固定汇率制度和浮动汇率制度以令人惊讶的规律性互相交替。
- Global currency regimes tend to come and go in long cycles , with fixed-rate and floating-rate regimes following each other with a surprising degree of regularity .
- 一些作战小队实行轮流制,换下筋疲力尽的士兵或伤员。
- Some fighting units now rotate , to let the exhausted and the wounded come and go .