- 这些霍乱菌种是怎么来到海地的?
- Where did haiti 's cholera come from ?
- 人们会从世界各地来到香港。
- People from all around the world come .
- 印象主义从哪里来呢?
- Where did impressionism come from ?
- 他们将于本周日抵达并且在太空中驻扎6个月。
- They will arrive sunday and settle in for a six-month stay .
- 而当石油到达之后,又通常被径直运往军营。
- When deliveries arrive they often go straight to the army .
- 貌埃将军4月4号将抵达印度进行为期三天的访问。
- General aye is to arrive in india april 4 on a three-day visit .
- 一旦出现就要注意培育并给予奖励。
- Nurture them wherever they crop up . Reward them .
- 这个问题在一些竞选中可能会突然出现。
- The issue may crop up in some election campaigns .
- 在传统的公司里,类似问题也会突然发生。
- Similar problems crop up at traditional companies .
- 这一切将会在明年1月15日发生。
- They will now take place on january 15th .
- 这一轮投票将在11月7日举行。
- The new poll will take place on november 7 .
- 将在6月4日举行的地方与欧洲议会选举,例来会排挤其他新闻。
- Local and european elections which take place on june 4th have a way of crowding out other news .