- 确定一个切实可行的目标这是自我提升的第一步。
- Achievable goals : the first step to self improvement .
- 其次是青年自组织要自我完善,自律与他律结合。
- Second , young self-organization to self-improvement , self-discipline combined with his law .
- 通过参与残奥会,各国残疾人运动员展示自尊、自信、自强、自立,感受欢乐、友谊、梦想、成功,实现挑战自我、追求生命价值的目标。
- By participating in the games , paralympians from around the world display self-esteem , self-confidence , self-improvement and self-support . They share joy , forge friendships , realize dreams and experience success . They challenge themselves and bring out the value of life .