- 并已要求工作人员更改自己的口令。
- Staff have been asked to change their passwords .
- 雇临时职员以减轻她手下人员的负担。
- Eased the burden on her staff by hiring temporary help .
- 这减少了该行职员与金融城的接触。
- That reduced the contact between bank staff and the city .
- 他们让这个翼状杆落入盛有水的烧杯中,并用激光束从底部击中它。
- They plopped this rod into a beaker of water and hit it with a laser beam from below .
- 发现翼形杆向上移动并移到一边-视觉上飞翔的迹象。
- And found that the rod moved upward and to the side-a sign of optical lift .
- 一个更新的轴传动装置代替传动杆链条和内啮合齿轮系统为城市骑手提供完美的座驾。
- An updated shaft drive - which replaces the chain with a rod and internal gear system - would be perfect for urban riders .
- 对进口蔗糖征收的高额税率原本是为了保护美国甜菜和甘蔗种植者的利益,却促进了hfcs的使用。
- Yet high tariffs on imported sugar , to the benefit of america 's beet and cane farmers , have also helped to promote hfcs .
- 她把公文包放在膝盖上,把拐杖靠在她腿旁。
- She placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her cane against her leg .
- 他们将他带到了一个走廊然后让他不用白色拐杖走过去。
- They took him to a hallway and asked him to walk along it without his white cane .
- 虽然没有魔棒可以让你的男人不再欺骗你,但是一些男人还是会爱你、关心你、体贴你的。
- Although , there is no magic wand on how to keep your man from cheating , many men do respond to love , care and concern .
- 有时候,魔杖让普通人看上去像魔法师。
- Sometimes a wand makes the ordinary seem magical .
- 她穿着一条印花的围裙,兜里插着一根魔杖。
- She was wearing a flowered apron with a wand sticking out of the pocket .
- 我要拿走这些魔法棒。
- I 'll take those wands right now .
- 鸟儿在我窗外绿色的嫩枝上歌唱。
- Birds are singing on the green wands outside my window .
- 鸟儿在我窗外绿色的枝桠上歌唱。
- Birds were singing on the green wands outside my window .