- 曼密苹果,又称马梅苹果或圣多明哥杏,是一种常绿树种,原产地为南美洲,后被世界上很多地区引进种植,包括西非和东南亚,你也可以在佛罗里达州和夏威夷州发现它们。
- Mammee apple , mamey apple or santo domingo apricot is an evergreen tree , native to south america , which was introduced to various other regions of the world including west africa and south east asia . They can also be found in florida and hawaii .
- 一个复杂的大约有杏仁大小的结构,两个主要的部分分别是丘脑和下丘脑。
- A complex of structures roughly the size of an apricot , the two major sections are the thalamus and hypothalamus .
- 很好,它可能是颗苹果,但也无妨是枚杏,是个芒果,或是随便哪种果子。
- Ok , it could have been an apple , but it might just as well have been an apricot , a mango , or any other sort of fruit .
- 曼密苹果,又称马梅苹果或圣多明哥杏,是一种常绿树种,原产地为南美洲,后被世界上很多地区引进种植,包括西非和东南亚,你也可以在佛罗里达州和夏威夷州发现它们。
- Mammee apple , mamey apple or santo domingo apricot is an evergreen tree , native to south america , which was introduced to various other regions of the world including west africa and south east asia . They can also be found in florida and hawaii .
- 一个复杂的大约有杏仁大小的结构,两个主要的部分分别是丘脑和下丘脑。
- A complex of structures roughly the size of an apricot , the two major sections are the thalamus and hypothalamus .
- 很好,它可能是颗苹果,但也无妨是枚杏,是个芒果,或是随便哪种果子。
- Ok , it could have been an apple , but it might just as well have been an apricot , a mango , or any other sort of fruit .