- 没有人不受猜疑,多数高级官员,包括他权势显赫的妹夫张成泽(changsung-taek)在内,都曾花费很长时间接受“再教育”。
- No-one is above suspicion and most senior officials , including his influential brother-in-law , chang sung-taek , have spent periods undergoing " re-education " .
- 她重视亲情,却也被亲情所累;她藐视权贵,但在权贵面前却也难免自卑和自傲;她有丰富的想象力和观察力,却也害怕寂寞和不擅交际.
- She valued family relationships , but this character was a burden for her ; she scorned a influential officials , but also felt inferiority complex and self-conceited before them ; she had abundant imagination and powers of observation , but was afraid of solitary and did not good at social contact .
- 这项服务将为客户提供经过精心组织的实时信息流,来源主要是企业、高管、政府官员、经济学家、评论家、媒体等方面的Twitter账户,以及由彭博社工作人员选择的其他有影响力的消息来源。
- The service will provide clients a curated live feed from the twitter accounts of corporations , executives , government officials , economists , commentators , media outlets , and other influential sources of news chosen by the bloomberg staff .
- 也许他是对的:只要税率不涨,一些共和党的权贵明显有接受新税收收入政策的倾向。
- He may be right : certainly some republican bigwigs are edging towards accepting new tax revenues , as long as tax rates do not rise .
- 而卡梅伦先生,他深知管理权贵小圈子之外要人的必要,并已邀请国会议员,失望的议会候选人和地方的政府候选人到唐宁街接受招待,让他们有当上高官的幻觉。
- Mr cameron , he says , is acutely conscious of the need to manage bigwigs outside this charmed circle , and has invited mps , disappointed parliamentary candidates and local-government types to a string of downing street receptions , sprinkling them with the stardust of high office .
- 一旦地方权贵可以将承包合同奖励给他们自己控制的企业,贪污就会像禽流感一样蔓延开。
- When local bigwigs can award contracts to firms which they themselves control , graft spreads like bird flu .