- 体质指数是体重除以身高的平方的计算结果,当数值介于25和30间时被归类为超重,而超过30时则为肥胖症。
- Body mass index is a calculation of weight divided by height squared , with a figure of between 25 and 30 classed as overweight and more than 30 as obese .
- 体质指数是体重除以身高的平方的计算结果,当数值介于25和30间时被归类为超重,而超过30时则为肥胖症。
- Body mass index is a calculation of weight divided by height squared , with a figure of between 25 and 30 classed as overweight and more than 30 as obese .
- 身体质量指数是评估体重和身高比例的参考指数,广泛用于描述一个人的体重状况,但人们正越来越多地质疑其在评估病人健康状况方面的作用。
- Bmi , a calculation based on height and weight , is widely used to describe the weight status of a population . But it is increasingly controversial when used to assess the health of individual patients .