- 这同时包括为其命名的权利。
- That would include naming right .
- elop说的话部分正确。
- Elop was partially right .
- 飞来的子弹有优先通行权。
- Incoming fire has the right of way .
- 美国需要处理好急剧上涨的政府津贴成本问题。
- And it needs to tackle the gathering surge in entitlement costs .
- 通过解决授权支出或改革税法的办法是削减美国长期赤字的明智方法,这将使长期收益的增长最小化并且甚至可能提高潜在增长。
- Sensible approaches to reducing america 's long-term deficit , by tackling entitlement spending or reforming the tax code , would minimise the rise in long-term yields and might even boost potential growth .
- 举例来说,有一个着手进行授权制度改革的保密许诺,削减那些耗资巨大、如若无人管理就会使政府破产的项目。
- For instance , there was a coded pledge to embark on entitlement reform , pruning back the costly programmes that will bankrupt the government if left unattended .