- 朝鲜国家电视台上周六晚播出的画面显示,这位朝鲜新一任领导人在平壤一家剧院出席一场晚会活动。
- North korean state tv on saturday night showed the new leader in attendance at a variety show in a theater in pyongyang .
- 澳洲一综艺节目主持人最近公开道歉,因为节目中有歌手把脸涂黑模仿杰克森兄弟表演。
- An australian variety show host has apologized for a skit in which singers parodying the jackson five performed in blackface .
- 巴西电视综艺秀节目一个连续镜头里,一位高大金发碧眼的主持人暴露了她自己要么作为塞纳(senna)的女朋友,要么作为一位急切的渴望获得者,以挑逗性地触摸并在他耳边窃窃私语“圣诞礼物”之类的东西。
- In one clip from a brazilian television variety show , the show 's presenter , a towering blonde , reveals herself as either senna 's girlfriend or an eager aspirant by touching him suggestively and whispering things in his ear about " christmas presents " .
- 这只是用歌舞谐谑来表达历史。
- This is history as vaudeville .
- 在公共演讲中,这位市长讲起话来像个歌舞杂耍演员。
- The mayor talk like a vaudeville comedian in his public address .
- 他是以演轻歌舞剧起家的。
- He started out in vaudeville .
- 今年或许我再没有把玩叶子的余兴。
- This year I may never play leaves the sideshow .
- 余兴节目结束快走吧快走吧!
- The sideshow is over . Let 's go , let 's go !
- 政治家和监管者的情况亦是如此:就让他们在这场高盛的助兴节目中继续争论下去吧。
- So , too , are politicians and regulators : stuck bickering in a goldman sideshow .
- 即使基民盟和基社盟能篡改政府职责,他们也必须阻止经济继续下滑。
- The cdu and csu must arrest their slide even as they juggle the responsibilities of government .
- 当你仅仅在抽象的层面上耍弄知识,你只能构建很少的知识连结。
- When you juggle ideas only at an abstract level , you make fewer connections .
- 在一个实验中,在被教授了变戏法之后,老年被试者的大脑特定部分的灰质区显示出增长。
- In one experiment , elderly subjects showed increases in gray matter in certain parts of their brains after they were taught to juggle .