- 本.拉登还想像殉道者那样死去。
- Bin laden wanted to die as a martyr .
- 他转过身来,泪水在他的眼睛闪闪发光,说:“我唯一的愿望就是能够就义,加入到在反苏圣战中已经升入天堂的我的战友中间。”
- He turned , tears glistening in his eyes , and said : " my one wish is to be able to die a martyr , to join my comrades from the anti-soviet jihad who have already reached paradise . "
- 作品《返乡》由62块从泉州运来的巨石组成,这些巨石来自泉州的穆斯林墓碑,每一块上都刻有诸如“死在异乡,即为殉葬”之类的铭文。
- ' Homecoming ' consists of 62 granite rocks imported from quanzhou , each carved with inscriptions such as ' to die in a foreign land is to die a martyr ' that are taken from the city 's muslim tombstones .