- 仅仅有100到150只这种30cm长的小鸟生活在英国,并且主要在伦敦周边各郡,但是消灭他们的决定已经做出。
- Only 100 to 150 of the 30cm tall bird live in the uk , mainly in the home counties , but the decision has been taken to exterminate them .
- 在1970年代的种族大屠杀中,红色高棉处决了大部分占族首领,企图灭绝整个占族及伊斯兰教徒并将其排除在红色高棉声称所建设的毛主义天堂外。
- In the genocidal 1970s the khmer rouge executed most leaders of the cham and tried to exterminate both the tribe and islam from the maoist paradise they said they were building .
- 人们是否能够从他反犹的长篇大论中读出书中虽未明示,但却显而易见的彻底消灭欧洲犹太人的意图?
- Can one read into hitler 's anti-semitic tirades his intention to exterminate europe 's jewry , even though that idea is nowhere explicitly mentioned in mein kampf ?