- 他们论述到,若是公立学校或公共住房腐朽了,就应该鼓励人们逃脱这些。
- If public schools or public housing were rotten , they argued , people should be encouraged to escape them .
- 他们相信,通过对语言的清洗,扫除腐朽的思想,真理和理性就会最终取得胜利。
- Purge the language of rotten thinking , they believed , and truth and reason would prevail at last .
- 有时,如果一国政府确实已经腐朽比如1989年的东德或1789年的法国那么财政危机导致政治崩溃就是一件好事。
- Sometimes , if a government is truly rotten east germany in 1989 or france in 1789 it is a good thing if a fiscal crisis leads to political collapse .
- 伴随着1997年的亚洲金融危机,腐朽的政治大厦轰然倒塌。
- With the 1997 asian crisis the whole decayed structure collapsed .
- 一具高度腐败的尸体被平放在验尸台上。
- A very decayed body is laid out on an examination table .
- 旧的教条已腐朽了,但新的教条却在不断产生,总体而言,我认为一个教条的有害程度是与其新颖性成比例的。
- He old dogmas have perhaps decayed , but new dogmas have arisen and , on the whole , I think that a dogma is harmfulin proportion to its novelty .
- 习极少容许外界瞥见他是如何治理国家的。
- Xi has the outside world s of how he governs .
- 习设法通过不冒犯和进攻重要人士以及避免木秀于林上升到如今的高度。
- Xi has to rise to where he is by not ing important people and by avoiding standing out .