- 机动车交通事故损害赔偿责任是机动车运行过程中,机动车一方因加害行为造成他人人身损害或财产损害,依法应承担的以金钱或实物补偿受害人所受损害的民事赔偿责任。
- Damage compensational responsibility of traffic accident of motor vehicles means the party of vehicle should assume the civil compensational liability in the form of money or substance to compensate victim resulting from bringing on the damage of property or body due to inflict deeds when moving .
- 被摧毁的车辆丢弃在海滩上。
- Carcasses of destroyed vehicles litter the beach .
- 这种金融载体可以使得各地市绕过中央政府的限制而取得直接贷款。
- These financing vehicles allow municipalities to circumvent central-government restrictions on direct borrowing .
- 这些网络已取代工会成为对经济自由化发出强有力抵制声音的主要手段。
- These networks have supplanted unions as the main vehicles for articulating resistance to economic liberalization .