- 这个阴谋的焦点人物是一名涉嫌使用黑魔法的贵族布莱克伍德爵士(由老戏骨马克斯特朗饰演)。
- The plot revolves around an aristocrat named lord blackwood ( the always terrific scene-stealer mark strong ) who 's engaged in black magic ......
- 后来,当斯宾塞在一位雷声公司主管的厨房里安装了微波炉样机时,厨师宣布此微波炉具有妖术,并递交了她的辞呈。
- When spencer later installed a prototype microwave in the kitchen of a raytheon director , the cook declared it was black magic and handed in her notice .
- 例如,《塔木德》上声称耶稣是一个捣乱者,他使用黑魔法,被吊起来,但没有受难。
- For example , the talmud states that jesus was a troublemaker , he used black magic , and that he was hung and not crucified .