- 经过数月磋商之后,epa上周对ge下一阶段的清理工作发布了更为严格的指导方针。
- Last week the epa issued stronger guidelines to ge for the next phase of the clean-up , capping months of talks .
- 满月以后与满月与下弦月之间,月亮将处在其渐亏的阶段。
- After the full moon and between the last quarter moon , the moon will be in its waning gibbous phase .
- 计算机模型表明,太阳系探险的最后阶段将持续4年,监控旅行者1、2号的科学家们却不知该对此作何预期。
- This final phase of solar system exploration should last another four years , computer models show , though scientists overseeing the two voyager spacecraft really don 't know what to expect .
- 这是一个时代的终结吗?
- Is this the end of an era ?
- 我该结束这一切吗?
- Should I end this now ?
- 监管改革无法以激励结束。
- Regulatory reform cannot end with incentives .