- 真正的问题是将来怎么办。
- The real problem is the future .
- 在可预见的将来大概不能。
- Probably not in the foreseeable future .
- 但他觉得这个职业没什么前途。
- Yet he sees no future in it .
- 但是skype在未来会走向何方呢?
- But where does skype go next ?
- 未来会怎么样仍然是一个谜。
- What comes next remains a puzzle .
- 这是下届美国总统必须回答的问题。
- That is a question the next president must answer .
- schultz早已意识到危机的到来。
- Mr schultz saw the crisis coming .
- 他看到了南斯拉夫未来的解体。
- He saw the yugoslav break-up coming .
- 叙利亚未来数周的局势会给出答案。
- The coming weeks in syria will tell .
- 勿将今日之事拖到明日。
- Do not wait until tomorrow .
- 花期集团将于明日通报其绩效。
- Citigroup reports its results tomorrow .
- 明天你有什么计划吗?
- Are you doing anything tomorrow ?