- 一些人预期愉悦或是高社交性发生,他指出,但是其他人预料感觉会很糟并且还有些人饮酒以应对压力。
- Some people expect euphoria or increased sociability , he pointed out , while others expect to feel bad , and still others drink to cope with stress .
- 它们能计算出从这一代人到将来的一代代人政府能够预计收取的税务及类似的款项,又该预计为这些人支出多少。
- They tally how much the government can expect to collect from present and future generations , through taxes and the like , and how much it can expect to spend on them .
- 在临产前胎膜破裂的大多数人,在第一滴羊水滴落后12小时内就能感受到第一次宫缩;也有一部分人会在24小时内感受到。
- Most women whose membranes rupture before labor begins can expect to feel the first contraction within 12 hours of that first trickle ; most others can expect to feel it within 24 hours .
- 希望他能两者兼具。
- Wish him plenty of both .
- 他们愿望也许会得以成真。
- They will probably get their wish .
- 但圣诞老人的愿望是什么呢?
- But what does he wish for ?
- 在这一体系下,个人贡献决定收益,根据一个明显反应退休者对生活的期望值和经济的支付能力两者关系的公式来确定。
- Under this system , individual contributions determine benefits , according to a transparent formula that reflects the retiree 's life expectancy and the economy 's ability to pay .
- 这种趋势也伴随着另一个趋势:大多数发达国家男女的预期生命都在提高。
- This trend is superimposed on another : that life expectancy in most developed countries has been improving for both sexes .
- 就以当中对青少年怀孕的例子来说,研究发现:生活预期越低的人群,越早成为爸爸妈妈。
- But research into life expectancy can throw out surprises . Take its relation to teenage pregnancy , for example : people in low life-expectancy groups become parents earlier .