- 对环境而言,bp是敌还是友?
- Is bp an environmental friend or foe ?
- 在媒体行业工作的人们需要视这些分裂和不确定为友。
- The media folks need to make these disruptions and uncertainties their friend .
- 我最近和我的一个跑友谈到了她刚刚参加的一次半程马拉松赛。
- I was talking to a running friend recently about a half marathon she 'd run .
- 并非所有的操作都是平等的。
- Not all actions are equal .
- 在抚养孩子上,妈妈和爸爸角色相等?
- Equal roles for moms and dads in child-rearing ?
- 酒吧的标注次数差不多和标注艺术和娱乐的次数相等。
- Bars were about equal with the arts and entertainment category .
- 有什么可以与它相比?
- To what can this compare ?
- 你不要将你的配偶与他人相比。
- You don 't compare your partner to others .
- 然后进行比较和对比.
- Then compare and contrast them .
- 上周,《华尔街日报》报导说,彭日成的学历和工作资历均得不到证实;文章还叙述了一位被解雇的前总裁有关该公司部分人员卷入一桩庞氏骗局的指控。
- The wall street journal reported last week that mr. pang 's academic and work credentials couldn 't be verified ; the article also detailed a fired ex-president 's allegation that part of the firm was involved in a ponzi scheme .
- 四名犯罪嫌疑人庞某、白某、赫某、张某于2011年冬天,在山西和陕西省少数几个煤矿资源丰富的县里掘墓盗尸。
- The four men , with surnames pang , bai , he and zhang , exhumed the corpses in the winter of 2011 from a smattering of arid , coal-rich counties in shanxi and shaanxi provinces .
- 庞教授认为民主是软实力的最好来源。
- Mr pang argues that democracy is the best source of soft power .