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- This draws in male moths looking to mate .
- 这个诱饵可以吸引雄蛾来寻觅配偶。
- In southern africa , mopani worms - the caterpillars of emperor moths - are popular snacks .
- 在非洲南部,莫帕尼蠕虫----帝王蛾的幼虫是一种流行的小吃。
- The researchers confirmed that cave 's inhabitants were engaged in textile processing by also uncovering remnants of beetles , moths and fungal spores that have been linked to the presence of clothes and other hand-made items .
- 研究人员证实,这个洞穴的居民的确曾经从事纺织品加工,因为他们还在那里发现了甲虫、蛾类和真菌孢子的残余物,这些与衣服和其他手工物品的出现有一定联系。
- Despite high numbers of foreign species , butterfly conservation warned it had been a relatively poor year for some of the uk 's rare native moths which have struggled in the face of a record-breaking dry spring .
- 尽管异国品种的数量可观,蝴蝶保育(组织)警示到:因在春季创纪录的旱情中苦苦挣扎的某些英国本土蛾类数量相对稀少。